Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Service Project: Week Three

This week, I really felt like I had a clear path to follow. Most of the work is completed: I finished my storyboard and my goal was to finish the movie. I decided to use VoiceThread for my movie because it was a compilation of still images. Once I found my images and recorded my voice, I was able to record his voice. It was difficult at the beginning of this project, but now I am so glad that I
did! The more that I played with VoiceThread, the more ideas I thought of to use in my own classroom. I am so glad that I had this experience, because I feel like it made me a better teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed watching your voice thead. Alot of information that I would not have thought about researching. My favorite part was at the end when you student told who his two favorite gods were and why. Again, really enjoyed your video. Good job.
