Essential Question:
Why does planet earth have seasons?This is an essential questionbecause it is something that took us a long time to figure out. Thisconcept has to do with the sun and the earth’s rotation. This questionis what students begin to explore in early elementary grades and theylearn more depth in higher grades. According to the Galileo education network, “essential questions allow us to explore what knowledge is, howit came to be, and how it has changed through human history”. There was a time that we thought the earth was flat, but that would not accurately explain why we had seasons. When it was discovered that the earth wasround, the explanation for seasons could finally have been made.
Unit Questions:What are the characteristics of each of the four seasons?Why is one side of the world in their summer while the other side of theworld is in their winter?What are the main source of heat for our planet?The students will learn about seasons through reading the text book,researching in the internet, participating in engaging experiments andwatching demonstrations. Students will also be given the opportunity togo the science museum where they can learn more about seasons throughother interactive activities.
TEKS:Science 2.3C: explain a problem in his/her own words and identify a taskand solution related to the problem.
Science 2.4A: collect information using tools including rulers, metersticks, measuring cups, clocks, hand lenses, computers, thermometers,and balances.
Science 2.7D: observe, measure, and record changes in weather, the nightsky, and seasons.
How to integrate inquiry and project-based learning: This topics allows for students to investigate the rotation of the earth around the sun in many ways. Students can physically re-create this rotation by using materials a simple a a flashlight or lamp and themselves. They are able to work in groups to role play, so that they understand how this system works through a physical way. To extend the lesson, students can be given the opportunity to answer questions like: What would happen if the earth stopped rotating around the sun?