As I have discussed in my previous posts, the internet has opened the doors for teachers to have more interactive and effective lessons. Thanks to Microsoft Office, teachers have had access to Powerpoint for many years. There are many exciting things that one can do with a powerpoint; animation, sound, pictures, etc. But it wasn't until this knowledge explosion through the internet where Powerpoints can be taken to the next level: digital storytelling. Digital storytelling is presentations through the internet that can be accessed and shared by anyone whom seeks them.
An internet site that I have used for my class for which I student teach is slideshare. This is a free site that people can use to look up and create presentations. They even allow you to add music to your presentation. Because of the great reaction I got from my students, I also used this site for my unit plan. I included my presentation about why we have seasons. The presentation is timed with music so that the teacher can discuss each slide without having to be near a mouse. The music as well as the pictures enhances my lecture. By adding music and pictures to a lesson, the teacher is appealing to more multiple intellenges: allowing more students to learn. In addition, with more exciting features, students are more likely to stay engaged. To show you an example of my Slideshare presentation I have included it below.
Though learning about the Earth and Sun is usually only considered science, this is a great unit that can be used across the curriculum. When looking through the third grade TEKS, I found many Texas state objectives in other subject areas. Students can write about what they have learned through a classroom post. In math, students are able to measure the temperature outside and keep record of how it changes through out the year. By using engaging unit plans in your class, you can keep a consitant theme while keeping students excited about what they are learning.
Its been some time...
12 years ago
Jessica, your slideshare is really cool. I like that you added music. I haven't gotten that far on mine yet. Can I make a couple suggestions? When I clicked on "TEKS" it took me to the entire TEKS for 3rd grade. I understood the assignment as picking out just the specific TEKS for your unit on seasons. Also, when I clicked on "subject areas" it will not allow me to view what you have linked.