Thursday, April 9, 2009

Service Project: Week Two

A couple of days ago, I was able to meet with my student! He talked to his teacher, and there are not alot of guidelines for his research project about mythology. Since he has not had the chance to research yet, it was a good time to get him started in the right direction. I set up his blog, and showed his mother how to access his blog site. During the week, he will research his topic and I will be able to help him once he has more information.

Fortunately, he has siblings that are working on a research topic with other students in my class. This made it much easier because we all were able to meet them at the same time. Also, we need to create our video this weekend, but I won't be in town. One of the other college students who are working with one of his siblings, will be able to get the information we need. I am so thankful that there was someone who was able to help. As a teacher, it is so important that we rely on one another for help, because we can't all be everywhere all the time.

So, far his project is going well and I look forward to helping him create his voicethread.

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